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Bucket Bushing

Bucket Bushing

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The bucket pin is a shaft connecting the bucket and the forearm. Its main function is to transmit power and torque, enabling the bucket to perform various actions such as digging, reversing, and tilting. The quality of the bucket pin directly affects the working efficiency and lifespan of the bucket.


item value
After Warranty Service Video technical support, Online support
Local Service Location None
Showroom Location None
Place of Origin China
Brand Name LOONSIN
Model Number 90*610
Warranty 6 month
After-sales Service Provided Video technical support, Online support
Condition NEW
Applicable Industries Machinery Repair Shops, Energy & Mining, Other, Retail, Construction works
Suitable Excavator(ton) 1.2ton, 20ton, 70ton, 1ton, 50ton, 35ton, 15ton, 80ton, 3ton, 45ton, 12ton, 18ton, 30ton, 90ton, 5 ton
Bucket capacity 1.15m³
Bucket type Standard bucket
Machinery Test Report Provided
Video outgoing-inspection Provided
Marketing Type Ordinary Product
Size 90*610
Other size 90*595

BUCKET PIN(d*h mm)
40*250 50*330 65*430 70*570 80*560 80*920
40*260 50*260 65*450 70*580 80*570 90*830
40*280 50*350 65*460 70*590 80*580 100*1000
40*300 50*360 70*420 70*600 80*590 110*1030
40*320 50*380 70*430 80*420 80*600
45*250 50*420 70*440 80*430 80*630
45*260 60*330 70*450 80*440 90*620
45*280 60*350 70*460 80*450 90*630
45*295 60*380 70*470 80*460 90*650
45*300 60*400 70*480 80*470 90*680
45*320 60*420 70*490 80*480 100*550
45*330 60*430 70*500 80*490 100*550
45*350 60*450 70*510 80*500 100*580
45*360 60*460 70*520 80*510 100*630
45*380 65*330 70*530 80*520 100*650
50*280 65*380 70*540 80*530 100*680
50*300 65*400 70*550 80*540 100*730
50*320 65*420 70*560 80*550 110*1200
40*50*40 45*60*55 55*65*50 60*80*60 70*85*70 80*90*90
40*50*45 45*60*60 55*65*55 60*80*65 70*85*75 80*90*95
40*50*50 45*60*65 55*65*60 60*80*70 70*85*80 80*90*100
40*50*55 45*60*70 55*65*65 60*80*75 70*85*85 80*95*50
40*50*60 50*60*40 55*65*70 60*80*80 70*85*90 80*95*55
40*55*40 50*60*45 55*65*75 60*80*85 70*85*95 80*95*60
40*55*45 50*60*50 55*65*80 60*80*90 70*85*100 80*95*65
40*55*50 50*60*55 60*70*50 65*80*50 70*85*105 80*95*70
40*55*55 50*60*60 60*70*55 65*80*55 70*85*110 80*95*75
40*55*60 50*60*65 60*70*60 65*80*60 70*85*115 80*95*80
40*60*40 50*60*70 60*70*65 65*80*65 70*85*120 80*95*85
40*60*45 50*65*50 60*70*70 65*80*70 70*90*70 80*95*90
40*60*50 50*65*55 60*70*75 65*80*75 70*90*75 80*95*95
40*60*55 50*65*60 60*70*80 65*80*80 70*90*80 80*95*100
40*60*60 50*65*65 60*75*50 65*80*85 70*90*85 80*95*105
40*60*65 50*65*70 60*75*55 65*80*90 70*90*90 80*95*110
40*60*70 50*65*75 60*75*60 65*80*95 70*90*95 80*95*115
45*55*40 50*65*80 60*75*65 65*80*100 70*90*100 80*95*120
45*55*45 50*70*50 60*75*70 70*80*80 75*90*70 80*95*125
45*55*50 50*70*55 60*75*75 70*80*85 75*90*75 80*95*130
45*55*55 50*70*60 60*75*80 70*80*90 75*90*80 80*100*70
45*55*60 50*70*65 60*75*85 70*85*50 75*90*85 80*100*75
45*60*40 50*70*70 60*75*90 70*85*55 75*90*90 80*100*80
45*60*45 50*70*75 60*75*95 70*85*60 80*90*80 80*100*85
45*60*50 50*70*80 60*75*100 70*85*65 80*90*85 80*100*90
80*100*95 90*105*120 100*115*70 100*120*95 110*125*110 120*135*90
80*100*100 90*105*125 100*115*75 100*120*100 110*125*115 120*135*95
90*105*50 90*105*130 100*115*80 100*120*105 110*125*120 120*135*100
90*105*55 90*110*80 100*115*85 100*120*110 110*125*125 120*135*105
90*105*60 90*110*85 100*115*90 100*120*115 110*125*130 120*135*110
90*105*65 90*110*90 100*115*95 100*120*120 110*130*80 120*135*115
90*105*70 90*110*95 100*115*100 100*120*125 110*130*85 120*135*120
90*105*75 90*110*100 100*115*105 100*120*130 110*130*90 120*135*125
90*105*80 90*110*105 100*115*110 110*125*70 110*130*95 120*135*130
90*105*85 90*110*110 100*115*115 110*125*75 110*130*100 120*140*90
90*105*90 90*110*115 100*115*120 110*125*80 110*130*105 120*140*95
90*105*95 90*110*120 100*115*125 110*125*85 110*130*110 120*140*100
90*105*100 100*115*50 100*115*130 110*125*90 110*130*115 120*140*105
90*105*105 100*115*55 100*120*80 110*125*95 110*130*120 120*140*110
90*105*110 100*115*60 100*120*85 110*125*100 110*130*125 120*140*115
90*105*115 100*115*65 100*120*90 110*125*105 110*130*130
FLANGE BUSHING (General model)
PC400-7 PC400-5/6 PC300-7 PC300-5/6 PC200-7 PC200-5/6
PC150 PC120-5 PC120-1/2 PC100-5 PC50 PC710
PC450 PC650 EX200 EX300 Liugong300
SK350 SK330-8 SK330/310 SK300 SK300-3 SK220-3/6
SK200 SK120-5 SK120-3 SK100-3 SK60-3
LS2600 LS2600FJ2 LS2800FJ LS2600EJ SH4300 LS2800
LS430F2 LS265F2 LS280F2 LS2800F2 SH200
55 D/F 50D/F 60 D/F 65 D/F 70 D/F 80 D/F
55 S/F 50 S/F 60 S/F 65 S/F 70 S/F 80 S/F
90 D/F 90 S/F
Track pins
22*120 30.2*170 37*215 44.8*241 47.2*260
24.3*140 33.7*183 38.2*220 44.5*250 48.9*287
24.5*140 36.7*212 39.8*200 44.7*250
28.3*170 36.5*214 44.5*230 45.2*245
Track bushing
35.3*23.5*80 46.5*31*105 50.8*34.2*125 59.3*38.5*130 59.5*38.8*150 66.5*45.5*165
39.3*23.2*80 47.3*31*105 51.3*34*125 58.8*37.5*150 59.8*38.8*150 66.6*45.5*152
41.3*25*90 47.5*31*105 54.3*37.5*130 59*37.5*150 60*38.8*150 66.8*45.5*165
41.5*25*90 47.3*31*110 54.3*37.5*150 59.3*38.5*150 66.2*45.3*155 66.8*45.5*170
46.3*31*105 47.3*31*115 55.3*38.8*150 59.4*38.8*135 66.2*45.5*165









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